Number 88
Beneficiary name Public institute for tourism of Soča Valley, Development center Posočje
CFR identification number -
Operation name With innovative business solutions to higher added value in aquaculture
Operation summary

A project with the main goal of developing a collective brand and establishing a Soča Valley certification system for aquaculture stakeholders and synergistically linking repopulation of indigenous species and commercial aquaculture and establishing good conditions for indigenous species in Soča Valley waters and quality aquaculture products and experiences in the long run to ensure the promotion of items and the area as part of a limited and boutique tourist offer. In addition to the development of the brand and the certificate, the purpose of the project is to attract stakeholders and with the help of workshops and personal advice to help them develop an offer that will represent the uniqueness of the valley and its quality through the certificate. The tourism sector in the field of aquaculture will develop a marketing model, look for products and experiences with added value, strengthen local identity and introduce a new cross-sectoral approach (tourism, economy).

Operation start date 09.09.2019
Operation end date 31.01.2021
Total eligible expenditure 84,962.74 €
Amount of Union contribution 54,163.74 €
Operation postcode 5230
Country Slovenia
Name of Union priority

4 - Increasing employment and territorial cohesion

Date of the last update of the list of operations 07.01.2021