Number 130
Beneficiary name Municipality of Izola
CFR identification number -
Operation name Renovation of the fishing port - Izola phase II (Northern part)
Operation summary

The infrastructure of the part of the fishing port that has not been renovated in recent years is dilapidated and statically endangered (NW part of the mandrac). The rocks on the breakwater has settled and is not sufficient for adequate safety against the effects of the waves. Due to the elevation of the angle of the main pier, access to fishing vessels is difficult (danger of collapse). For the general safety of the area, the safety of fishermen and the preservation of fisheries jobs, the restoration and arrangement of the fishing port shall be approached.

Operation start date 15.12.2020
Operation end date 15.12.2021
Total eligible expenditure 2,400,000 €
Amount of Union contribution 1,800,000 €
Operation postcode 6310
Country Slovenia
Name of Union priority

1 - Promoting environmentally sustainable, resource-efficient, innovative, competitive and knowledge-based fisheries

Date of the last update of the list of operations 07.07.2021