Number 105
Beneficiary name Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food
CFR identification number -
Operation name Monitoring of shags in the Slovenian sea 2020-2021
Operation summary

The operation will provide data on the size of the shag population, which stays in the Slovenian sea immediately after nesting (between July and September). The data will show the trend of the retention trend after nesting compared to previous censuses. In addition, it is intended to obtain data on estimates of stocks of fish species that are the main prey of shags, factors influencing the distribution of these fish species and data on the volume of by-catches of shags. The obtained data will be the basis for assessing the state of conservation.

Operation start date 17.04.2020
Operation end date 19.11.2021
Total eligible expenditure 74,440.69 €
Amount of Union contribution 55,830.52 €
Operation postcode 1000
Country Slovenia
Name of Union priority

6 - Fostering the implementation of the Intergal Maritime Policy

Date of the last update of the list of operations 12.01.2021