Number 86
Beneficiary name Gymnasium, electrical and maritime school Piran, David Makor, ZANESTRA d.o.o.
CFR identification number -
Operation name Let him be a qualified, aware and safe fisherman!
Operation summary

The long-term purpose of the operation is to educate and increase the training of fishermen to acquire competencies at the national level for boat management, radio communication and basic training for work on a fishing vessel and other vessels. As part of the training, participants will acquire the competencies of search, rescue and survival at sea and medical care on a boat. The second purpose of the operation is to bring fishing closer to students, students and other stakeholders as a profession and to strengthen a healthy attitude towards the sea with an emphasis on sustainable fishing. The main objective of the operation is to establish a quality and highly competitive product based on education and to contribute to strengthening the competitiveness of the economy in rural and urban areas on the coast and to create opportunities for new jobs and diversification of fisheries in connection with tourism. We will emphasize the role of fishing as an economic activity and cultural heritage and the importance of fish as a gastronomic treasure.

Operation start date 09.09.2019
Operation end date 01.03.2022
Total eligible expenditure 226,576.14 €
Amount of Union contribution 144,442.28 €
Operation postcode 6330
Country Slovenia
Name of Union priority

4 - Increasing employment and territorial cohesion

Date of the last update of the list of operations 06.01.2021