Number 83
Beneficiary name MEDITERANUM, Institute for the Revitalization of Mediterranean Culture Piran
CFR identification number -
Operation name Information and knowledge center for preserving the heritage of traditional vessels and fishing in Slovenian Istria - CENTERBOAT
Operation summary

The purpose of the operation is to set up a modern, didactic expert center where it is possible to learn all about the most important things about the coastal heritage, traditional vessels of Istria and their use in traditional, original fishing in this area. In order to achieve the goal, it is necessary to enable the use of the "center" free of charge, and its e-part via the Internet. With the information and knowledge center as presented, we can expect entrepreneurial initiatives that could restart the ecological construction of wooden vessels, employ many young skilled people by the sea, drive certain trade "marine" flows and alike. The Center for Learning Traditional Vessels and Fisheries Tradition enables viewing of 3D vessels from a remote location, realistic models enable detailed technical exploration of traditional vessels, self-construction plans encourage the use of wood and small vessels, photo films show the procedures for building real vessels and real models, etc.

Operation start date 29.08.2019
Operation end date 31.05.2021
Total eligible expenditure 19,634 €
Amount of Union contribution 14,725.50 €
Operation postcode 6330
Country Slovenia
Name of Union priority

4 - Increasing employment and territorial cohesion

Date of the last update of the list of operations 06.01.2021