Number 8
Beneficiary name Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food
CFR identification number -
Operation name Improving administrative capacity
Operation summary

Operation Improving administrative capacity will be implemented through the activities of the following projects:

  • project Education

With the proper training of employees we want to improve the efficiency of the management and implementation of the OP EMFF 2014-2020 and increase awareness of the public about the assistance provided by the EU from the EMFF. Training will be attended by employees whose duties are related to OP EMFF 2014-2020.

  • project Purchase and maintenance of equipment

For the smooth implementation of the tasks of the employees, whose duties are related to the implementation of the OP EMFF 2014-2020 it is planned to purchase and maintenance of equipment.

Operation start date 22.07.2015
Operation end date 30.11.2023
Total eligible expenditure 79,625 €
Amount of Union contribution 59,719 €
Operation postcode 1000
Country Slovenia
Name of Union priority


Date of the last update of the list of operations 21.08.2018