Number 71
Beneficiary name Municipality of Sevnica, Municipality of Krško, Public institute for culture, sport, tourism Sevnica
CFR identification number -
Operation name INTO IT Fish
Operation summary

The aim of the project is to increase the interest in the supply of fish and fish products, thereby improving awareness of the importance of healthy eating fish in the FLAG area. New partnerships between farmer associations and fish farms will be established through project activities. The equipped fish market in Krško will provide catering to the inhabitants. The exhibition - tourist and educational space in Sevnica will be arranged and an exhibition will be prepared, a street exhibition will be set up. The events will be aimed at farmers' associations and other residents. The operation will develop one new job that will be preserved. The project will create a new service that will work on the quality of life in the FLAG area.

Operation start date 30.11.2018
Operation end date 15.06.2021
Total eligible expenditure 235,286.05 €
Amount of Union contribution 149,994.86 €
Operation postcode 8290
Country Slovenia
Name of Union priority

4 - Increasing employment and territorial cohesion

Date of the last update of the list of operations 08.01.2019