Number 97
Beneficiary name BSC BUSINESS SUPPORT CENTER, Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia
CFR identification number -
Operation name Fishing adventure tourism
Operation summary

The purpose of the project is the development of tourist products or packages of ''Fishing Experiences'', whereby on the one hand these products & packages would be implemented in a selected water location of the wider area of ​​Črnava Lake with the establishment of the necessary equipment, knowledge and skills and promotion, while in many other water locations or held entrepreneurial and educational tourism workshops for stakeholders from these areas to develop ideas and increase the necessary skills for their implementation. In this way, the development of the mentioned products or packages, and thus a positive impact on aquaculture, the consumption of fish dishes and the development of fish-related active tourism.

Operation start date 20.11.2020
Operation end date 30.11.2022
Total eligible expenditure 235,291.23 €
Amount of Union contribution 149,998.16 €
Operation postcode 4000
Country Slovenia
Name of Union priority

4 - Increasing employment and territorial cohesion

Date of the last update of the list of operations 11.10.2023