Number 69
Beneficiary name Municipality of Krško, Primary school Jože Gorjup Kostanjevica na Krki, Brežice Primary School
CFR identification number -
Operation name Fish on school plates
Operation summary

The Municipality of Krško will provide project management and assistance to partners in the project, implement coordination and promotion of project activities by informing the public. Ribogojstvo Goričar, as a freshwater producer, is a key partner in the project, since it will supply fresh fish to schools and kindergartens and develop new fish products, creating opportunities for new jobs. The municipality of Sevnica will arrange a classroom at the fish farm Laze, where pupils in the farm will be able to observe: the parent breed of indigenous brown trout that lives in the outdoor pool; gullies of different categories in outdoor pools; the process of rolling eggs, breeding the fetuses and various stages in the development of the fetus. Schools and kindergartens are included as larger local consumers of fresh local fish and products, and in this way we enable the increase of locally produced food. The project is intended for pupils of elementary schools, employees of elementary schools, parents of pupils, aquaculture farmers, local communities and inhabitants who are its final consumers.

Operation start date 30.11.2018
Operation end date 15.09.2021
Total eligible expenditure 218,375.20 €
Amount of Union contribution 139,214.25 €
Operation postcode 8270
Country Slovenia
Name of Union priority

4 - Increasing employment and territorial cohesion

Date of the last update of the list of operations 08.01.2019