Number 194
Beneficiary name Fishing Familiy Tolmin, Fisheries Research Institute of Slovenia
CFR identification number -
Operation name European grayling in the Soča river basin
Operation summary

In Slovenia, grayling is included in the list of endangered fish species, namely as a vulnerable species. So far, 54 different haplotypes have been identified in 44 European grayling populations, which are classified into eight major groups. One of these groups is also represented by the grayling of the Adriatic basin. Adriatic grayling. In our country it is also known as the Soča river grayling. The purpose of the project is to prepare a comprehensive report on the state of the Adriatic grayling in the area of ​​the upper reaches of the Soča river and its tributaries. Only with such a report can a basis be found to introduce innovative measures to save the fish species. Such measures include the preservation and improvement of the natural environment, the preservation of the Adriatic grayling genotype, the increase of the natural population with breeding flocks, the protection of Adriatic grayling populations, the regular monitoring of fishing pressure and the mitigation of pressure through supplementary investment.

Operation start date 29.10.2020
Operation end date 31.07.2022
Total eligible expenditure 81,865.04 €
Amount of Union contribution 52,188.97 €
Operation postcode 5220
Country Slovenia
Name of Union priority

4 - Increasing employment and territorial cohesion

Date of the last update of the list of operations 11.10.2023