Number 96
CFR identification number -
Operation name Establishment of the Posavje tourist product between the river, vineyards and castles
Operation summary

Modern tourist trends are focused on cultural and green tourism, where tourists are looking for a break and escape from everyday life, pure nature, active holidays, local food, heritage and experiences of the authentic region. Unfortunately, we do not find such a tourist offer in the Posavje region. There are no connected providers or common adventure packages, interesting products that would attract visitors to the region or offer visitors to nearby spas interesting excursion tourism. On the other hand, local suppliers of aquaculture and local agricultural products are increasingly exposed to fierce competition from more favorable foreign importers. Our aquaculture and farms are small and difficult to compete with, as relatively small quantities make the unit production price higher. Fewer and fewer young people are opting for these professions, production is being abandoned, so we see an opportunity to increase competitiveness in the diversification of activities, greater attractiveness of the offer and the inclusion of local small businesses in cultural and green tourism in the region.

Operation start date 30.09.2019
Operation end date 30.09.2022
Total eligible expenditure 206,605.64 €
Amount of Union contribution 131,711.09 €
Operation postcode 8270
Country Slovenia
Name of Union priority

4 – Povečanje zaposlovanja in ozemeljske kohezije

Date of the last update of the list of operations 12.01.2021