Number 67
Beneficiary name Prosub d.o.o.
CFR identification number -
Operation name Construction of new breeding lines for mussel cultivation
Operation summary

The shellfish farming began to be cultivated immediately after company Prosub d.o.o establishment in 2004. First, the company started cultivating on the abandoned cultivation field in Strunjan Bay and immediately started the process of obtaining a concession, which they managed to obtain in 2009. In 2004, they managed to obtain also the license for free shellfish collection, which they collect today and which, to a certain extent, provides them with a competitive advantage. Company Prosub d.o.o. is one of the few subjects involved in mariculture. In the years since the beginning of the cultivation of shellfish in 2004, the company has already gained a lot of experience in the sale of shellfish, both on foreign and domestic markets. Today, the main activity of the company is marine aquaculture - mariculture (shellfish farming). The aim of the investment in the purchase and installation of new lines for breeding mussels is to increase the production of mussels, increase productivity and improve working conditions and workplace safety.

Operation start date 30.10.2018
Operation end date 15.12.2021
Total eligible expenditure 173,815 €
Amount of Union contribution 65,180.63 €
Operation postcode 6310
Country Slovenija
Name of Union priority

2 - Fostering environmentally sustainable, resource-efficient, innovative, competitive and knowledge-based aquaculture

Date of the last update of the list of operations 08.01.2019