Number 150
Beneficiary name GOISTRA, trade, services and tourism d.o.o.
CFR identification number -
Operation name Adventure arrangements with the local offer of Slovenian Istria between the marine and rural environment "ANIMA ISTRA"
Operation summary

The long-term purpose of the operation is to raise awareness of the importance of rural-marine integration, to promote the development of new locally typical products, to promote small-scale coastal fishing and agriculture, to diversify the fisheries sector and to create new jobs. The aim of the operation is to purchase a customized vessel in the function of a showroom "Showroom" at sea, where direct promotion and marketing of local fisheries and agricultural products will take place. Through the implementation of events for closed groups and the accompanying promotional program, we will achieve higher consumption of local products and thus directly contribute to the generation of additional income in the fisheries and agricultural sectors. The operation also aims to expand knowledge through guided tastings, non-formal education and awareness of the importance of Mediterranean food, local products and traditional local fisheries and agricultural products that will originate exclusively from Slovenian Istria.

Operation start date 14.06.2021
Operation end date 31.12.2022
Total eligible expenditure 244,880 €
Amount of Union contribution 146,928 €
Operation postcode 6000
Country Slovenia
Name of Union priority

4 - Increasing employment and territorial cohesion

Date of the last update of the list of operations 13.01.2022