
EASME objavlja razpis za zunanje strokovnjake za podporo vrednotenju in spremljanju dejavnosti

EASME, izvajalska agencija za mala in srednje velika podjetja, ki podpira Evropsko komisijo pri izvajanju ukrepov in jo financira Evropski sklad za pomorstvo in ribištvo objavlja razpis za zunanje strokovnjake za podporo vrednotenju in spremljanju dejavnosti. Agencija išče strokovnjake, ki so specializirani na področjih, povezanih s celostno pomorsko politiko in skupno ribiško politiko, kot sta pomorski in obalni turizem, znanje o morju, pomorsko prostorsko načrtovanje, pomorsko gospodarstvo, inovacije, inženiring in tehnologije, itn.  

Vsi zainteresirani vabljeni, da preverite razpis na spletni strani in se registrirate.  

Hvala za vaše zanimanje!


EASME, the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises that supports the European Commission with the implementation of actions funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, has launched a call for external experts to support evaluation and monitoring activities. The Agency is looking for experts who are specialised in a wide range of fields related to the Integrated Maritime Policy and the Common Fisheries Policy, such as maritime and coastal tourism, marine knowledge, maritime spatial planning, maritime economy, innovation, engineering and technologies and so on. 

If you are such an expert or know other people who might be interested, check out the call on the Agency's website at and register online.
Thanks for your interest!