Number 166
Beneficiary name Danijel Hrvat s.p.
CFR identification number SVN000000203
Operation name Vessel equipment for safety and protection at sea
Operation summary

We will soundproof the vessel's engine, repair the deck (non-slip), install a fire protection system, an additional safety rudder on the deck, a life raft. We will purchase and install a new radar, plotter, AIS and searchlights. We will repair the safety deck covers against water penetration into the deck. We will also purchase new protective equipment (gloves, boots, waterproof clothing).

Operation start date 31.03.2022
Operation end date 01.10.2022
Total eligible expenditure 14,787.18 €
Amount of Union contribution 11,090.38 €
Operation postcode 6310
Country Slovenia
Name of Union priority

1 - Promoting environmentally sustainable, resource-efficient, innovative, competitive and knowledge-based fisheries

Date of the last update of the list of operations 04.08.2022