Number 35
Beneficiary name Prosub podvodni servis d.o.o.
CFR identification number -
Operation name Purchase of equipment and freight vehicles
Operation summary

The aim of the investment is the purchase of a line for sorting, weighing, vacuum packing and shelling of shells, and the purchase of a truck with an isothermal upgrade is to increase the processing and distribution of shellfish, increase productivity and improve working conditions and workplace safety. With the investment, Prosub d.o.o. in the first place, prolong the stability of packed bivalve mollusks, reduce the feces that occurs when packing into the net and allow the distribution of shellfish to wholesalers with whom it cooperates. At the same time, the working conditions will improve, the work process will be mostly automated, and the productivity and working conditions will be improved. The purchase of equipment and freight vehicles will therefore increase production, despite increased production, they do not plan new workplaces in the company. The objectives of the investment that will be achieved and are in line with the objectives of the EMFF are:

  • increasing capacity
  • preserving the number of workplaces
  • improving working conditions
  • improving the food safety of foods placed on the market.
Operation start date 01.03.2018
Operation end date 31.07.2018
Total eligible expenditure 215,465 €
Amount of Union contribution 80,799.37 €
Operation postcode 6310
Country Slovenia
Name of Union priority

4 - Increasing employment and territorial cohesion

Date of the last update of the list of operations 15.05.2018